Apr 11, 2008

Alex and the Gator

We had one of the first really nice sunny days today. It was awesome. I took the kids for walks, went to the parks, we saw some ducks. It was so nice that Alex (my nephew) decided he wanted to get out the Gator. It's cool because in October when he got it for his 2nd birthday, he was way too little to drive it and now he loves it. Of course, the seatbelt and helmet are a must and mom keeps the steering wheel cranked so he just goes in circles. Smart.
For those of you who don't speak 2 year old...
"Say hi Bobby (my dad)"
"Hi Bobby"
"Say I like John Deere!"
"I like... I like cows!"
"You like cows.. Say, I like John Deere."
"I like John Deere."
He's a John Deere man in the making...


Jed Carosaari said...
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Jed Carosaari said...

And when are you going to get one of those? We're all waiting!